Journal Entry- 6/13/17

Song of Reference: I Understand- Smokie Norful

When I started school I stopped being happy and it has been one hell of time trying to find that happiness again. Maybe I'm being too self-aware, or maybe not aware enough. I'm not too sure which is right or if both are wrong; all I know is I'm lost, I've lost myself and I'm unhappy.

I wish things were different, I'm striving for them to change. But on my days when I'm doused with doubt I can't help but to feel defeated and hopeless and I begin to miss those numbing moments where I could lay in my bed all day and not face everything that's wrong. 

See this depression comes in waves big and full of despair suffocating me, drowning me, for moments in a day, and then I seem to just forget what was wrong with me in the next instance.

~ XOXO Lyric



