Song of Reference: Heard 'Em Say- Kanye West
I want to do this; to allow people in so they can understand that my absence has nothing to do with them. I want to tell them that many times I don’t see the added value I bring to their lives, so I figure I’ll save them some time and energy and just remove myself.
I keep asking, where I do begin? How do I start to rebuild relationships and friendships from an unknown space? I can’t read minds, but I wish I could, only because I think that those I want to see again, don’t want to see me. I think I've already tainted how they view me and I can't change it.
Then I think, they may not even notice my absence. Like who really cares that much about me? Who am I really to think that someone else thinks of me at all. You see my struggle? Each day I battle with what I should do about it.
i can reach out or just leave well enough alone and possibly spend my life regretting it. So, I guess I’ll just begin and hope for the best.
~XOXO Lyric