I Am Lyric

I want her to tell my story, share my deepest thoughts and best advice in hopes that it helps someone else to love every inch of  who they are. I want her to bring understanding to the fact that your happiness and who you deserve to be, are one in the same, because, you deserve to be happy no matter who you are. If she inspires at least one person to be completely fearless in their pursuit of their passions, then she has succeeded in the pursuit of her own. Lyric is an old friend that I lost some time ago; she is me and I am her and finding her has been the most liberating thing I've done this year.

I am so excited to share her and everything that she possesses, that I lacked. See, I am not afraid to admit that I have made decisions and done things in my past that truly hindered my excellence. Maybe not in the eyes of others, but I know that the only opinion that truly matters, is my own and honestly until now that opinion wasn't very positive. She has restored my faith in who I am and who I know I can be.

Allow her to help you discover yourself again...

~XOXO Lyric


My "Ye" Year


Life On Lyric